Dashboard Day

Dashboard Day is where Black women founders get data and planning time to enter goals, troubleshoot strategies, and stay on track with Sistahbiz coaches.

Goal Digger Online Study Hall

Goal Digger Online is an online workgroup designed for Black women founders, featuring 4 powerful modules packed with strategic planning tasks and tools. Study Hall is the dedicated session where we come together to share progress, insights, and results from applying the workgroup's tools and strategies.

Dashboard Day

We don't play about our numbers in Sistahbiz. That’s what Dashboard Day is all about. These sessions give our Black women founders data and planning time so they can enter…

Goal Digger Q1 Recharge

A goal recharge session for Black women founders in the Sistahbiz network. The session is a reflect and reset activity for end of quarter 1.

Dashboard Day

A co-working session for Black women entrepreneurs to enter data into the Sistahbiz goals dashboard and discuss business data and insights.