Black women entrepreneurs discussing business strategies for growth.

Level Up Together: Creative Activities for You and Your Business Bestie


As Black women entrepreneurs, committing to business bestie activities are a key strategy for building a solid support system. While it’s crucial to bond over non-business activities, engaging in strategic business-focused activities with your business bestie can significantly propel your growth and success. Here are some ideas to strengthen your business bestie relationship and ensure that you both stay on track for growth and expansion.

1. Weekly Monday to Friday Text Check-Ins on Priorities

To stay aligned and accountable, set up regular text check-ins on Fridays and Mondays. On Monday, set intentions by identifying the top 3 priorities for the upcoming week.On Friday, review your top 3 priorities for the week, celebrating wins and noting areas that need more attention. This consistent practice keeps you focused, motivated, and ready to tackle any challenges that arise. Furthermore, using text makes it easy to honor this quick and convenient ritual.

2. Monthly Strategic Plan Implementation Emails

To ensure that you both stay on track with your long-term business goals, send each other monthly strategic plan implementation report via email. These reports should summarize the progress made on key initiatives, outline any roadblocks encountered, and highlight next steps. This monthly practice fosters accountability and helps you adjust your strategies as needed, ensuring continuous progress towards your business objectives. If you use a short half-page email template, it will make it easy to do. Download ours in the Sistahbiz Digital Library.

3. Quarterly or Bi-annual Business Getaway

Plan a quarterly retreat where you and your business bestie can dive deep into your business numbers. Rent a cozy space or a peaceful Airbnb to get away from daily distractions. During the retreat, analyze your financials, key performance indicators (KPIs), and other important metrics. Use this time to reflect on the past quarter, identify growth opportunities, and set clear, actionable goals for the next quarter. This focused retreat will not only strengthen your business strategies but also provide a fresh perspective and renewed energy. Grab our quarterly retreat agenda template in the Sistahbiz Digital Library.

4. Practice Pitch Sessions

Whether you’re preparing to pitch to investors or potential clients, practicing your pitch with your business bestie can be invaluable. Schedule a practice session where you each present your pitch and receive constructive feedback. These sessions help refine your presentation skills, build confidence, and ensure that your message is clear and compelling. Plus, your business bestie can offer insights you might have overlooked and help you polish your delivery. Check out our blog post: Master Your Numbers, Master Your Pitch.

5. Business Book Study

Deepen your knowledge base and business acumen by selecting a book to read together.  Choose a book that aligns with your current business challenges or growth areas, and schedule regular meetings to discuss the key takeaways. This shared learning experience can spark new ideas, deepen your understanding of important concepts, and strengthen your bond as you grow together. Sistahbiz offers its members a variety of business book studies for Black women entrepreneurs.

6. Do a Networking Scavenger Hunt 

Transform your networking strategy into a fun and challenging activity by creating a networking scavenger hunt with your business bestie. Together, build a networking calendar filled with relevant events, workshops, and conferences. For each event, set specific goals—such as meeting a certain number of potential clients, connecting with industry influencers, or gathering insights on a particular topic. After each event, compare notes and see who was able to complete their tasks. This scavenger hunt approach adds a layer of excitement to networking while ensuring that both of you maximize your opportunities and grow your connections strategically. Check out the Sistahbiz event calendar for events not to miss.

7. Co-Work Days

Sometimes, just being in the same space while working can be incredibly productive. Schedule regular co-working sessions where you and your business bestie work side-by-side on your individual tasks. These sessions offer the opportunity to tackle your to-do lists while having someone nearby for quick brainstorming, problem-solving, or simply offering moral support. This practice not only boosts productivity but also fosters a deeper sense of camaraderie.

By incorporating these strategic activities into your routine, you and your business bestie will strengthen your partnership, stay focused on your goals, and continue to grow both personally and professionally. These activities are designed to keep you both aligned and moving forward on your entrepreneurial journeys. Don’t forget to take time for bonding and wellness time with your bestie, too. Check out ideas for time off adventures with your business bestie here.