Black women entrepreneurs sharing feedback and discussing business strategies.

How to Give Your Business Bestie Feedback: Tips for Black Women CEOs

Understanding the Role of a Business Bestie

In the entrepreneurial journey, especially for Black women CEOs, getting feedback from a “business bestie” can be a game-changer. A business bestie is more than just a colleague or a peer; she’s a confidante, a sounding board, and an accountability partner. For Black women entrepreneurs, who often navigate unique challenges in the business world, a business bestie offers a safe space to share ideas, vent frustrations, and receive support. The relationship goes beyond professional camaraderie—it’s about mutual growth, trust, and empowerment. This dynamic duo can help each other thrive, but as with any relationship, giving and receiving feedback is crucial to fostering a healthy and productive partnership. For more insights into building a strong business bestie relationship, check out our business bestie strategies post.

1. Educate Yourself on Feedback Dynamics

Before diving into feedback exchanges, it’s essential to equip yourself with the right tools and understanding. Books like Thanks for the Feedback and Radical Candor provide valuable insights into the nuances of receiving feedback. These resources help Black women CEOs become more mindful of triggers and challenges that might arise when receiving feedback, allowing them to respond constructively. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for both giving and receiving feedback effectively, ensuring that the relationship remains strong and supportive.

2. Establish Clear Feedback Protocols

With a foundation of knowledge, the next step is to set clear protocols for feedback. How and when feedback will be given should be mutually agreed upon. For example, feedback can be provided during scheduled sessions or spontaneously, depending on the nature of your discussions. You might also decide whether feedback should be given immediately after observing a performance or action or if it’s better suited for reflection afterward. Setting these protocols helps manage expectations and ensures that both parties are on the same page. This process is key to fostering a transparent and supportive relationship, allowing Black women entrepreneurs to navigate challenges with clarity and confidence.

3. Determine the Purpose of the Feedback

It’s important to recognize that not every conversation requires feedback. Sometimes, your business bestie might just need a space to vent or share ideas without critique. Understanding whether you are seeking feedback or simply a listening ear is vital in maintaining the integrity of the relationship. This distinction ensures that feedback is welcomed when it’s necessary and that both parties feel respected and heard.

4. Navigate Disagreements with Grace

Inevitably, there will be times when feedback leads to disagreements or conflict. It’s essential to approach these situations with a healthy mindset, focusing on resolution rather than confrontation. Discussing potential conflict management strategies beforehand can be beneficial. For example, agreeing to take a break if emotions run high or using “I” statements to express feelings can prevent misunderstandings. Maintaining open communication and a solution-oriented approach can help keep the partnership strong, even when tough conversations arise.

5. Use Specific Examples

When giving feedback, specificity is key. Vague comments can be confusing and may not provide the actionable insights needed for improvement. Instead, focus on specific actions, behaviors, or performances when offering feedback. For example, instead of saying, “You need to be more organized,” you might say, “I noticed that the last project timeline had some delays—perhaps we could implement a more detailed scheduling system.” This approach provides clarity and demonstrates that the feedback is based on observed behavior, making it easier for your business bestie to understand and act upon it.

6. Build Trust Beyond Feedback

Feedback should not be the only interaction you have with your business bestie. To maintain and strengthen trust, engage in activities outside of your feedback sessions. Whether it’s attending events together, collaborating on a project, or simply sharing experiences over coffee, these moments reinforce the bond between you. Sometimes you have to hear hard things from your Bestie that will help you and your business grow. Trust is the bedrock of any successful feedback process, and by nurturing your relationship in various ways, you ensure that feedback is received in the spirit it’s intended. For more tips on maintaining a healthy relationship with your business bestie, you might find our guide on healthy activities for Black women business besties helpful.


7. Balance Compassion with Candor

When giving feedback, it’s essential to strike a balance between compassion and honesty. Being too harsh can damage the relationship, while being too lenient may prevent necessary growth. In a nutshell, keep it 💯 but be thoughtful about your tone and words. Approach feedback with the intent to support and uplift, focusing on areas of improvement while acknowledging strengths. For example, you might say, “I definitely admire your dedication to this project, Sis; however, I think you could explore some new strategies that would improve efficiency and save the company money.” This approach shows that you are invested in their growth and success, not just in pointing out flaws.

8. Allow Time for Processing

Everyone processes feedback differently, so it’s important to give your business bestie time to absorb and reflect on the feedback given. Don’t expect immediate responses or changes; instead, honor their need for time to think things through. For example, after a feedback session, you might say, “Take your time to think about what we discussed, and let’s revisit this next week.” This approach respects individual processing styles and helps prevent misunderstandings or rushed decisions. Before working together, ask each other to share as much as possible on how you each tend to process best.

9. Encourage Ongoing Dialogue

Feedback should be an ongoing conversation, not a one-time event. Encourage regular check-ins where both of you can share progress, address any lingering issues, and provide continuous support. This practice not only fosters a culture of openness but also ensures that feedback is seen as a tool for growth rather than criticism. Regular dialogues keep the relationship dynamic and responsive, allowing both parties to thrive in their respective roles.

10. We All We Got

Remember that the ultimate goal of feedback is mutual growth and success. Too often, Black women experience traumatic workplace experiences that include a lack of trustworthy, culturally competent feedback. More often than not, we are not at the tables with experts and successful CEO’s who can provide valuable guidance and feedback that other millionaires gain on their way to the top. So it’s important for us to show up for each other and take peer consultancy seriously. Create trust. Build safe and courageous space. Practice open communication. You and your business bestie can create a powerful alliance that drives both of you toward greater success. Looking for a community of Black women founders on this path? Join Sistahbiz where we value group learning, coworking and planning in community.